Nashboro Gallant Lad
1998 Cremello Morgan Stallion
(Nashboro Dakota Gold x Lithaven Chantey Don)
15 hands
100% color producer of palomino, buckskin and smoky black.
"Iceman" is our newest addition and we are so excited to see the foals we will get out of him!
His sire:
Nashboro Dakota Gold
His dam:
Lithaven Chantey Don
These pictures are from past owners.
Nashboro Gallant Lad was one of the first registered cream Morgan stallions. Bred by Janice Robinson of Nashboro Morgans Tennessee. Janice had a vision of her well-established colorful Morgan breeding program enhancing the gene pool of palomino and buckskin Morgans through the cream gene.
Nick-named “Iceman”, Nashboro Gallant Lad arrived in Oregon as a long yearling and settled his first group of mares as a two year old. This first foal crop was wonderful rainbow of palomino and buckskin
As a three year old Iceman was shown by Jean Sauers. He placed well in his class and many in the audience followed Iceman and Jean back to the stalls. He was a novelty…. An almost white Morgan stallion! But as Morgan breeders looked him over and watched him move they saw an excellent Morgan stallion with traditional correct conformation, lovely head and a proud total Morgan way of moving!
As a three year old novelty gave way to reality and Iceman’s breeding book was filled with lovely, well –bred Morgan and Arabian mares! Iceman was the “brass ring” for discerning mare owners who were firm on only breeding to a quality Morgan stallion but wanted the excitement of a guaranteed colorful foal!
Iceman has always fulfilled the promise of wonderful foals with dazzling color! Iceman created the dream of quality and fantasy color of mare owners of several breeds!

June 2017